Motivation won’t get you there
A special person once said to me that when it comes to diet and exercise, vanity will only get you so far. So too I think of what we choose to do with our lives and our businesses. Motivation will only...
View ArticleYou choose how deep you go
Although I’m yet to cover another half of the world’s countries, I’ve travelled fairly substantially. I’ve also moved endless times in my life and one thing has recently really struck me. No matter,...
View ArticleProblems, not solutions
When I worked in the ‘big conglomerate of corporates world’, a common conversation took place that went something like this… Project Manager/Department/Customer – “Install X” or “Negotiate a new...
View ArticleBusy is not a burden
There are now thousands of articles about stopping busyness. Not being busy. Relieving yourself of the burden of busy. Telling us that busy is a disease. A bad thing you need to get rid of. Another...
View ArticleChanging Companies
Ask a dedicated group of people in your company to come together to brainstorm (whether it’s 2 people or 20) and they will come up with 50 ideas on how to make the business better. Push them to dig...
View ArticleRevenue isn’t the problem, you are
When I see people who appear to suddenly start running workshops or consulting sessions outside their direct business or niche/expertise, or when I notice that they’ve quite quickly launched a new...
View ArticleThe Wrong Focus
The logo still isn’t quite-the-right-vibe but I can’t explain to you why. I don’t know what I like but these 32 don’t feel like it. It’s too small. It still doesn’t pop. Could we make another tweak to...
View ArticleThe Inefficiency Effect
I once worked for a company that sold a gigantic amount of iron ore (please don’t hold that against me). They made billions. And then the price of iron ore started falling. Heavily. Suddenly hundreds...
View ArticleThe CEO Problem
Big business has a big problem. They require CEOs to make important and sometimes complex decisions. And the decisions are ultimately made to maximize shareholder wealth and the revenue of the...
View ArticleUnderstanding your Process
One of the most important things in your entire business are your working processes. And yet the majority of businesses we work with don’t seem to have them. They do of course; every single thing you...
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